Two large companies with a single goal: to work sustainably

For years, players in the steel sector have been investing in new technologies in order to improve their production and make it increasingly sustainable.

Gatti Filtrazioni Lubrificanti and Ori Martin are an example: the two companies have been collaborating for about ten years in order to control and manage the oils present in the machinery of the steel mill, including the foundry and rolling departments. This allows to reduce downtime by optimizing the state of health of the lubricant, extending the life of the components, solenoid valves, pistons and pumps.

Through a preventive and predictive analysis it is possible to reduce the use of oils deriving from hydrocarbons and, at the same time, allow the machines to work better, saving energy.

Gatti Filtrazioni Lubrificanti offers a filtration service that allows you to obtain perfectly purified oils from any contaminant and to extend their life five or six times, significantly reducing the quantity to purchase, dispose of and manage. Thanks to this, the Ori Martin company was able to reduce the blockage of the solenoid valves by 80%, the machine stops due to the lubricants by 90% and the breakdown of the pumps by 45%, far exceeding the promising values.

These two realities and their relationship are the demonstration that even in the steel supply chain we can pay attention to the environment, in addition to this, it demonstrates how two companies can come together to achieve a common goal, that of sustainable transition.

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